Elegant country house with swimming pool and views of Sierra de Gredos18Show more villas From € N Elegant country house with swimming pool and views of Sierra de Gredos18 From € N
Elegant mountain villa of decorator Lorenzo Castillo at 45 minutes from Madrid8Show more villas From € N Elegant mountain villa of decorator Lorenzo Castillo at 45 minutes from Madrid8 From € N
Exquisite country home in open nature in La Vera de Gredos14Show more villas Madrigal, Extremadura, España From € N Exquisite country home in open nature in La Vera de Gredos14 Madrigal, Extremadura, España From € N
Luxury villa with pool and magnificent views of Toledo9Show more villas Toledo, Spain From € N Luxury villa with pool and magnificent views of Toledo9 Toledo, Spain From € N
Splendid villa with large garden and old tennis court north of Madrid14Show more villas From € N Splendid villa with large garden and old tennis court north of Madrid14 From € N
Villa in luxury gated community between Avila and El Escorial6Show more villas From € N Villa in luxury gated community between Avila and El Escorial6 From € N